Dradura Italia is part of the Dradura group since the acquisition in 2006. Both locations, “come” in Conzano and “omim” in San Donà di Piave, have a more than 50-year-old history with its origin in the production of wire baskets for wine storage.

Due to the rapid growth of the Italian household appliances industry in the 70s, both locations specialized independently of each other in the manufacturing of wire articles for the appliances industry. Both locations complement each other by their autonomous competence centers:

  • “Come” has specialized on the manufacturing of plastic-coated dishwasher baskets as well as cages for the agricultural industry made of stainless steel or zinc-plated wire.
  • “Omim” has focused on the production and galvanization of wire articles with zinc or nickel/chrome as well as a following possible coating with polyester or polyurethane.

Open positions

Via J. F. Kennedy, 8, 30027
San Donà di Piave (VE)
Office: +39 0421 497-511
Fax:    +39 0421 497-598

Via Monferrato, 4, 15030
Conzano (AL)
Office: +39 0142 925-545
Fax: +39 0142 924-211

Contact us